Groupe de Recherche sur le Handicap Ventilatoire et Neurologique

GRHVN UR 3830 - Université de Rouen Normandie

About us

The Groupe de Recherche sur le Handicap Ventilatoire et Neurologique (GRHVN) [Research Group on Ventilatory and Neurological Handicap] fosters the sharing of multi-disciplinary expertise between clinicians and pre-clinical researchers, and studies the mechanisms and development of treatments aimed at rehabilitation and autonomy for patients with respiratory (respiratory failure) or neurological (peripheral or central nervous system lesions) impairments.

From bench to bedside and back

In a spirit of translational research, our aim is to develop clinical and pre-clinical proofs of concept based on in vivo modeling and simulations (test bench). From synapse to movement, our research into neurostimulation and nerve repair is aimed at a better understanding and management of acute injuries to the nervous system. In this quest for patient autonomy, we are also exploring functional recovery of swallowing and approaches to optimizing ventilation.

Ventilatory disability

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